Sunday, June 5, 2016

Got 99 Problems & A Dish Ain't One

Become the Healthiest Version of YOU!

Virtual Coaching of the future is now! Project Management for life! 
Founded on proven business methods for improvement & technology development, 
Version X Health turned those methods into a wellness solution that changes lives!

Got 99 Problems & A Dish Ain't One!

Take the clean up out of healthy cooking. 
Save time and trouble.

One of the most hated parts of cooking at home is cleaning up.  We all know that cooking for yourself is healthier in numerous ways than eating out or other shortcuts like processed foods.  Therefore you can become a more healthy version of YOU just by taking the clean up out of cooking.

There is no shame in going disposable.

Your mother may frown upon using disposable cooking and eating materials in the kitchen, but she isn't part of a generation with some of the highest obesity rates in the world.  We need all the help we can get!

Environmentalist may argue the waste factor.  And I can agree that this planet could use a lot less paper and plastic floating around.  Well... water, gas and electricity are used in excess across kitchens everywhere; we use and reuse the same pots, pans and plates. And wash them each time.

Is energy waste better or worse than pollution?  Not sure. But healthy eating is definitely better than unhealthy eating.

Should we STOP using washable kitchen items?  No way! Could we blend our approach and budget a little more for disposable products if it means we cut our time in half for healthy cooking or 'feeding the family'?  YES!

1. GREAT MEALS ARE POSSIBLE WITH ZERO CLEAN UP.  As you continue to follow Version X, you will see many pictures of wonderful, nutritious goodies being cooked with aluminum foil.  If you cook at home, even once a day, using disposable cooking products can take away your stress, save you time, and not change your meal's taste or quality at all. Get the help of Health Coach here...

In this photo, you'll see a flat baking pan wrapped with foil. Sturdy with no cleaning.  Salmon was broiled first.  #fuel #protein #salmon

Once almost done, (broiled at 500 for 15 minutes), I topped the lean fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon) with frozen kale, and a can of white kidney beans. Only 3 main ingredients!

Once the entire pan cooked up nicely together under the broiler, and once my kale tips and beans were a little crispy, it was done!  Less than 30 minutes. #noprep #nocleanup

Seasoning?  Whatever you want.  Sprinkle some salad dressing on top for the last 10 minutes of cooking.  Or after cooking, drizzle olive oil, the spiciest pepper you have, and tinge of salt if you're allowed.  Squirt with lemon!  #easy #quick #healthy #delicious

SUBSTITUTES: Salmon with steak or chicken breasts. Kale with spinach or any frozen veggie.  Beans with... well keep the beans!  They balance out the nutrition, require only rinsing from the can, and are cheap!  Change out the type of bean. Find one you like.

2. WHY SO FANCY?  For this nutrition dense breakfast, use the toaster or not.  No prep except pealing the orange. Paper plate. Bread or toast topped with a healthy protein or #fat.  (Spread with your finger!  Spread with a plastic knife and throw it away. Add a cheese stick, and fruit for extra #fuel #fiber and healthy #fat.

No excuses! Take 5 minutes and plop these items on a paper plate to eat while getting ready in the morning or in your car.  When you're done... throw the plate away! #nocleanup
No Cooking! For more great health tips, Like us on Facebook.

This is a healthy balanced breakfast believe it or not.  All macro-nutrients covered.  Add your cup of coffee (with #honey) and it's a perfect morning fuel packed meal!

SUBSTITUTES: Can't do bread?  Substitute for a cup of yogurt with nuts and grains on top.  Any cheese works.  Any fruit works.

3. OTHER DISPOSABLE NO CLEAN UP MEAL IDEAS  Invest in disposable cutting boards!  (I found some at Cut and Toss .com).  It's sanitary, and you can throw it away. Can't afford that? Use two layers of wax paper; this works depending on what you're cutting. Throw the paper away and just rinse your board with water.

The basics! Paper plates, plastic ware and plastic cups, non-sticking cooking oil, aluminum foil.  Just a few items in your home, that could make your life easier, and get you on the road super fast to becoming the healthiest version of YOU.   

Use disposables! It's okay. Make it a habit. Learn new tricks. Eating healthy is what matters. Not your dishware. 

Email Version X Health if you're interested in more no-clean-up meals and ways to cook without dirtying a bunch of pots.

Comment below with your no-clean-up cooking tips!

Suzanne Medes, Founder Version X


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#VersionX is a fresh new #wellness resource where every day people can finally receive the help they need to become #healthy and enjoy their lives.  You can receive remote/virtual coaching help with no limitations!  Using technology for health!

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The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote healthy living and wellness in all areas. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

VERSION X HEALTH (SUZANNE MEDES) does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Reliance on any information appearing on this website is solely at your own risk. We encourage you to research and verify all topics that interest you, and build your personal health library of knowledge.

#easymeals #nocleanup #healthycooking #protein #fuelfiberfat #energy #salmon

What you can do.
How you do it.
Tools to help you.

·          “The Essentials of Sports and Exercise Nutrition”, Precision Nutrition
·          National Academy of Sports Medicine
·          Food and Drug Administration

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Meat-Eating Vegetarian

Become the Healthiest Version of YOU!

Virtual Coaching of the future is now!
Founded on proven business methods for improvement & technology development, 
Version X Health turned those methods into a wellness solution that changes lives!

The Meat-Eating Vegetarian.

For those who just want to eat ‘less’ meat.

We’ve all heard the arguments between those who eat meat and those who do not.  What we need to hear more of is what we agree on: we all need PROTEIN to thrive and survive.  Protein is our body’s #fuel, and so much more.

There are certain amino acids required for critical body functions that can only come from certain proteins, but we’re not doctors right?  So how could we know all of this?  Let’s make it easy…

Wanna be more ‘like’ a vegetarian but still want some meat?

Version X makes it simple.  No crazy recipes, no complicated life changes, just some valuable information that will change the way you think about food, and ultimately change your life.

Getting BORED with vegetarian options?  Here are fast, nutritious solutions that can be added to your grocery list to keep your body operating it’s best without meat or with less meat.

1. CASEIN POWDER.  Although derived from dairy like whey protein, it has a higher glycemic index than whey powder (which means it is a longer sustainable energy source) and is more closely related to the key amino acid functions produced by meat proteins.

One simple, affordable, and FUN way to supplement meat in your diet is SHAKES. Shake person or not… try it!  Get a little one-person blender for under $20, and have a great time with it!  Add water, coconut water, almond milk plus frozen fruit, nut powder, flavors, mint leaves, anything!

2. BEANS. Don’t say you don’t like beans, don’t say you’re sick of beans. There are countless bean varieties and you haven’t tried them all! Plus! You have Version X’s cooking suggestions to make beans a great substitute for meat!

Most beans have the same #fuel burning benefits as animal proteins, PLUS they have the #fiber needed to provide your body with the digestive and absorptive factors needed for nutrition.

BROIL your beans!  Rinse off a few cans of beans, spread them out on a piece of foil, and broil them in the oven until they get crispy!  Top them with anything you think will make this a great snack or a tasty side dish for you.
Try olive oil, cayenne pepper, and some garlic. Delicious!

Or use them as ‘little pieces of crispy meat’ in your taco, pasta, or sald!  Beans are a great meat subsitute!

3.  MUSHROOMS! There is a WORLD of different varieties of mushrooms.  You can find one that works for you. 

Use a thick slice of a Portobello and pretend it’s a steak!  Grill it, broil it.  Add steak sauce, onions, and sides!

Chop up your mushrooms or broil them to make them crispy.  Use them as a meat substitute once in a while in pasta, cold salads, stews or lasagna!
Make mushroom meatloaf!!!

Just replace chopped pieces of mushrooms where you would have used meat.

Highest QUALITY Common Protein Foods: Casein, Egg Whites, Tuna Fish, Soybean, Beef, Chickpeas, Black Beans.

         Supplimental Recommedations:
X     Amino Acid Complex w/ Lysine
X     Breads, nuts, seeds, and grains
X     Fruit, fruit, fruit

You don’t have to be an extreme bacon eater, and you don’t have to 'go'   vegan. Live somewhere in the middle.  Learn how food works.  Make small adjustments. Try new stuff.  Have fun!

Need help making changes? Version X can help.

Payment options – Flexible pricing – Affordable Custom Plans

#VersionX is a fresh new #wellness resource where every day people can finally receive the help they need to become #healthy and enjoy their lives.  You can receive remote/virtual coaching help with no limitations!  Using technology for health!

Suzanne Medes, Founder Version X



#vegetarian #casein #beans #mushrooms #meat #protein #energy #shakes

What you can do.
How you do it.
Tools to help you.

·          “The Essentials of Sports and Exercise Nutrition”, Precision Nutrition
·          National Academy of Sports Medicine
·          Food and Drug Administration