Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Meat-Eating Vegetarian

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The Meat-Eating Vegetarian.

For those who just want to eat ‘less’ meat.

We’ve all heard the arguments between those who eat meat and those who do not.  What we need to hear more of is what we agree on: we all need PROTEIN to thrive and survive.  Protein is our body’s #fuel, and so much more.

There are certain amino acids required for critical body functions that can only come from certain proteins, but we’re not doctors right?  So how could we know all of this?  Let’s make it easy…

Wanna be more ‘like’ a vegetarian but still want some meat?

Version X makes it simple.  No crazy recipes, no complicated life changes, just some valuable information that will change the way you think about food, and ultimately change your life.

Getting BORED with vegetarian options?  Here are fast, nutritious solutions that can be added to your grocery list to keep your body operating it’s best without meat or with less meat.

1. CASEIN POWDER.  Although derived from dairy like whey protein, it has a higher glycemic index than whey powder (which means it is a longer sustainable energy source) and is more closely related to the key amino acid functions produced by meat proteins.

One simple, affordable, and FUN way to supplement meat in your diet is SHAKES. Shake person or not… try it!  Get a little one-person blender for under $20, and have a great time with it!  Add water, coconut water, almond milk plus frozen fruit, nut powder, flavors, mint leaves, anything!

2. BEANS. Don’t say you don’t like beans, don’t say you’re sick of beans. There are countless bean varieties and you haven’t tried them all! Plus! You have Version X’s cooking suggestions to make beans a great substitute for meat!

Most beans have the same #fuel burning benefits as animal proteins, PLUS they have the #fiber needed to provide your body with the digestive and absorptive factors needed for nutrition.

BROIL your beans!  Rinse off a few cans of beans, spread them out on a piece of foil, and broil them in the oven until they get crispy!  Top them with anything you think will make this a great snack or a tasty side dish for you.
Try olive oil, cayenne pepper, and some garlic. Delicious!

Or use them as ‘little pieces of crispy meat’ in your taco, pasta, or sald!  Beans are a great meat subsitute!

3.  MUSHROOMS! There is a WORLD of different varieties of mushrooms.  You can find one that works for you. 

Use a thick slice of a Portobello and pretend it’s a steak!  Grill it, broil it.  Add steak sauce, onions, and sides!

Chop up your mushrooms or broil them to make them crispy.  Use them as a meat substitute once in a while in pasta, cold salads, stews or lasagna!
Make mushroom meatloaf!!!

Just replace chopped pieces of mushrooms where you would have used meat.

Highest QUALITY Common Protein Foods: Casein, Egg Whites, Tuna Fish, Soybean, Beef, Chickpeas, Black Beans.

         Supplimental Recommedations:
X     Amino Acid Complex w/ Lysine
X     Breads, nuts, seeds, and grains
X     Fruit, fruit, fruit

You don’t have to be an extreme bacon eater, and you don’t have to 'go'   vegan. Live somewhere in the middle.  Learn how food works.  Make small adjustments. Try new stuff.  Have fun!

Need help making changes? Version X can help.

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#VersionX is a fresh new #wellness resource where every day people can finally receive the help they need to become #healthy and enjoy their lives.  You can receive remote/virtual coaching help with no limitations!  Using technology for health!

Suzanne Medes, Founder Version X



#vegetarian #casein #beans #mushrooms #meat #protein #energy #shakes

What you can do.
How you do it.
Tools to help you.

·          “The Essentials of Sports and Exercise Nutrition”, Precision Nutrition
·          National Academy of Sports Medicine
·          Food and Drug Administration

1 comment:

  1. Protein is our fuel! Version X believes that lean meats and animal proteins are critical to our energy, vital body functions and overall nutrition. We also know too much meat can harm your body. Change the way you think about food! It brings life.
